Boek Eveline's Bellyflower producten Eveline Couvee My English corner!

The cards are infused with the energy of light catchers. Their energy of lightness and joy flows through time and space and are activated in the NOW and will activate the insight, understanding, forgiveness, compassion and action needed. If you are open to look at yourself from your heartspace and have the courage to live a life from growth, obstacles disappear with so much ease. The cards will activate lightness and joy as you stand more and more in your own power. All happens from a space of love and will help you to follow your own path. The card deck consist of 44 inspiring cards with a very nice and strong bag and beautiful booklet. Very light and easy to carry with you wherever you go.   Information:

Card deck ”Catch the magic moments of the day”: 17,95  + shipping: 12,00 = 29,95

Pick a card!


The cards are deep and joyous. Love them!

Every cell of me knew the wisdom of this teaching. Thank you!

They have an entirely unique entry point to align with oneself.

The light catchers in the pictures book look beautiful. Love it!

I felt the shimmering energy radiated from the cards

Perfect to take with me

So very pretty and so light in the hand